Hi Betty Ann,
I read your book *Tainted Love*. I was on an emotional roller coaster all through it. I felt angry, I cried with you and I felt happy in parts for you. I must say, You are a very talented, strong, courageous person to do that. As the saying goes.....I shed a million tears....and I am sure you did that....I hope you sell a million copies. Awesome! It is awesome! Keep the Kleenex handy everyone.
I finished your book and I wanted to tell you it was so good. You done a wonderful job. I could feel every feeling that you felt and I cried through the final chapters. You are so brave to write a book about yourself.
So loved your book. Couldn't put it down. My heart goes out to you and sure hope it helps you with the healing. I have never lost a child but losing a sister through suicide was very hard. So many of us keep secrets to our selves to ashamed to tell other people, thinking that no one will believe us. You are a beautiful person on the inside and outside.
I read a sad and very true book this week end. I could not put it down. I could not stop reading it. I cried so hard at one point I could not see the words. I used a little over a box of Kleenex. It was called *Tainted Love* by Betty Ann Munroe. I could feel the pain and picture what I was reading. Now I want to say it was very worth my time to read and I will never forget it. A book like that, you don't come across very often. A book that touched me very deeply. It made me take a good look at myself. I can not even explain it. Thank you Betty Ann for sharing your story, Love you.
Just finished reading your book....It was awesome! God love you! It gives me goose bumps just talking about it!
You certainly are some kind of Mom. I did not know any of your kids but they were very lucky to have you! May God Bless You!!!
Loved the book Betty Ann!
The comment about the emotional roller coaster is so true. that's how I felt!
I love it. It is just like reading Danielle Steele with all the highs and lows in it! I laugh and then I cry and then laugh again and the next thing you know I am crying once again.
Hi Betty Ann,
I just wanted to say that my boyfriend bought me your book and I started to read it on Friday and I just finished it just now. I read a lot of books, especially true love stories, and I have got to say this to you. This was the best true story book I have ever read and you did a great job! The book made me very mad, sad, happy, and very much heartbroken.....It also brought a lot of memories back to me of my loved ones that have passed..... You are a very strong woman to share your life with all to read. I am very proud of you.....and also very sorry for what you had to go through and sorry for your loss. I hope you conquer what life brings to you in the future and by reading this book I know you will.... Thank you and God bless you and your family. Take care.
I just finished the best book ever "Tainted Love"! Thanks Betty Ann